Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Relations with China and the US: Republicans/Trump vs Democrats

1. ⁠Poverty is a huge concern in America—Republicans and Trump policies push people into poverty, they don’t create a safety net or help lift people out of poverty. So that more than outweighs the points they get for allowing Chinese manufacturing to take over America—the result of which is cheap products for everyone, even if it meant not buying the insurance policy in case of wartime or pandemics or anything by investing in sustainable American factories—Republicans hate funding anything, because it means tax dollars, and they’ll stoop to basically any low to hold onto more of their money—even if it’s obviously horribly unethical.

2. ⁠COVID killed a lot of people, and a HUGE percentage of that HUGE number is due to Trump and Republican misinformation. So, again, there’s something huge that outweighs whatever good Trump has done regarding relations with China—a lot of deaths.