Monday, July 17, 2023

Converting office spaces to apartments and condos as cheaply as possible

Link: ‘Soul-crushing’: converted Bay Area office apartment fail goes viral 

[Link to TikTok video in article]

Turning offices to residences is touted as a housing fix for a work-from-home era, but a $520,000 listing takes the brief too literally

The article says it’s too expensive compared to what you can get for that amount of money in the area, and I believe them. However, besides the price, there isn’t much to complain about. No counter space can be solved with shelving or a shower caddy or even a spice rack. New carpet isn’t necessary and can be covered with area rugs. Glass walls on the outside and in can be covered with a curtain rod and opaque curtains. Condos (which you own, unlike apartments, which you rent) can probably also have the internal glass replaced with a wall if someone’s willing to spend the money. Ideally, office spaces converted to condos or apartments should be done as cheaply as possible with the option of buying additional items like curtains and shelving so that they can get the selling price as low as possible.