Saturday, May 25, 2024

#openai #chatgpt #ai

In an alternate timeline, robots have been around since the 50s and by now they’ve given the sentient ones rights. In another alternate timeline, robots and human-animal hybrids have also been around since the 50s and by now they’ve given the sentient ones rights. In this timeline, we have furries but no robots, we barely have AI, and we’re looking to program sentient AIs for no reason when a regular old program like a search engine will do just fine. Maybe we don’t deserve AI yet.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

#haileysonit #savehaileysonit

Aww. Who else wants to see a Hailey’s On It! set in the future?


The good and evil in things when you’re not paying attention (that’s where your brain is when it’s most easily brainwashed)

I’ve given this some thought, and I do want Hailey’s On It! to get renewed, even if the writing could use some creativity. Shows like Fallout and Hailey’s On It! do good for the world when there really are few shows out there doing anything positive at all (climate change activism and preparing various countries for the possibility of nuclear war/raising awareness of survival skills and prepping options or something similar)…so even if the people behind it turn out to be terrorists or baby rapists or both…I’m gonna watch tv anyways, might as well support something that gives people good role models instead of 24/7 of the exact opposite.

Note: The Hailey’s On It! marathon (and series?) is over, but I normally watch episodes through the Disney Now app, which I can log into using my cable provider (without paying for Disney+).

Hailey’s On It!
Catch Up Marathon | Disney Channel Promo

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Guns/Trump/Covid Deaths/Not Worth It

I think taxes should be at the top for the people who can afford them, but it’s not it to vote for Trump due to the lives that would be lost if another Covid or something happened and all the Republicans acted like it wasn’t a big deal or was fake again                


Can we finally have a neutral conversation

Sounds good. I guess eventually it’ll be fully customizable, or we’ll have an in-between step where there are old people avatars and characters everywhere and fat people avatars and characters everywhere too. It is kind of odd that the timeline for representation went: women, Black people, gay and lesbian people, ugly people, and now it’s trans people. But fat people make up like 99% of America, and there’s a huge percentage of old people too. Isn’t that kind of weird? Or can we finally have a neutral conversation about how all of these different types of people probably wouldn’t hang out in real life, so it’s okay for some things to be more historically accurate while other things can continue exploring diversity and overcoming appearances?

You can take it too far both ways, just like bots on the internet play both sides

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Relations with China and the US: Republicans/Trump vs Democrats

1. ⁠Poverty is a huge concern in America—Republicans and Trump policies push people into poverty, they don’t create a safety net or help lift people out of poverty. So that more than outweighs the points they get for allowing Chinese manufacturing to take over America—the result of which is cheap products for everyone, even if it meant not buying the insurance policy in case of wartime or pandemics or anything by investing in sustainable American factories—Republicans hate funding anything, because it means tax dollars, and they’ll stoop to basically any low to hold onto more of their money—even if it’s obviously horribly unethical.

2. ⁠COVID killed a lot of people, and a HUGE percentage of that HUGE number is due to Trump and Republican misinformation. So, again, there’s something huge that outweighs whatever good Trump has done regarding relations with China—a lot of deaths.