What kinds of people do you see getting elected in the future? What trends do you see?
What kinds of people would you -like- to see elected in the future?
I, in particular, would like to see more geniuses chosen. They can have high g scores or high scores in emotional intelligence (or be geniuses in multiple areas with no real weak points). I guess foresight is the thing I’m looking for the most, as I want my country (the United States) to both succeed and be on the right side of history...people are too risk-averse when it comes to big change, and I would like to see more things implemented to make sure that history sees us as an honest attempt at a utopia, not one that makes enough bad decisions to make it a dystopia. I would get rid of the Patriot Act, because it’s illegal under UN law, but I’d also encourage the UN to deploy NATO troops on the basis of the invasion being illegal (Putin tried to say he was invoking some clause that allowed him to, but a lot of countries signed a statement saying that what he did was against the UN charter. The UN still refuses to get involved, and Biden won’t even send Ukraine the fighter jets that they need. I’m normally a liberal Democrat, but I believe in the enforcement of laws that are ethical and agreed upon through a vote (majority if we’re being particular on that. There is a movement to abolish the electoral college, and my state, California, is already a part of it). I’m also somewhat libertarian in that I think almost all laws (except those regarding federal military, budgets, etc.) should be decided by the city or municipality instead of the state or federal government. This would give people more freedom to live somewhere that believes in the laws that they believe in. If you want guns, don’t want guns, want enough security to make a gated city or community, etc...and if you get a job in a big city but don’t agree with its politics, you can move to a suburb. There would also have to be more low-income housing, and I think the federal government should legalize marijuana and make money off of its taxes...I also think all philanthropies should be run by volunteers and interns and/or the federal government, so that 100% of all donations go directly to the cause. I also believe in a UBI (universal basic income, where you get free money from the government to spend however you want. Instead of paying taxes, you get money).