Monday, March 21, 2022

Reddit question: Those with chronic mental or physical pain, what keeps you alive?

“We always try to separate mind and body but after months and months of recovery I’ve found myself sobbing and the physical and emotional pain become one

“It becomes dangerous at some point. To constantly feel like you’re dying from something but knowing it’ll drag out basically as long as it damn wants

“How do you keep going in that sense? What makes you decide today you’ll live and you’ll find a life and love beyond the pain and more pain?”

Me: Because I wouldn’t want anyone to murder me. That would be awful, and wrong, and unethical...

I also don’t want to die early. It would be a shame if I didn’t get to live out my life to the best of my ability.

I like to pretend like someone could make my life infinitely better if I just gave them $100 (I have no money). Then I pretend I’m working to earn that $100, but don’t set a checkpoint for it, just keep working. Like working without checking the clock, just giving it your all while getting rest, food, etc. How much money would you pay to have the best/longest life possible? As much as you could afford? Pretend you’re paying someone else to do the dirty work for you. You deserve to have the best life possible as long as you don’t step on anyone along the way.

Same goes for everyone else.

Of course, it would be nice if you believed in contributing to society while you’re alive. It would be nice if everyone believed this.