Of course we should have lockdowns. Just because they didn’t prevent that many deaths this time doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep using them. What if it was the after-effects of the lockdown, like fatigue/social anxiety/I don’t even know that added to people staying home and not catching the virus? And even if the original effect is minimal, we should we doing everything we can to save lives without infringing on people’s rights and freedoms. I’m hoping they make N95s and boosters the standard. I don’t have an N95 yet and I don’t have a booster yet, but I’m sure it will save lives even if I personally have such a hard time breathing (I’m getting a sleep apnea test soon) that I might not be able to use the mask and have to stay home.
Context: CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo completely avoid Johns Hopkins study finding COVID lockdowns ineffective