I don’t believe in sanctions…I think I’ve mentioned this before. They’re not ethical because they end up harming the people instead of the governments, especially the poor (and more recently, especially in the UK, the middle class). Of course there are good arguments on both sides, especially since we are in the middle of a war, but this, to me, seems like we are just sacrificing the poor in order to gain an advantage. I feel the same about recruiting poor/working-class people into the military. I believe in a Universal Basic Income (UBI), which means that the government pays people instead of collecting an income tax. Like permanent stimulus checks. It’s what Andrew Yang stood for during the Democratic primaries of 2020. Unfortunately, since then, Yang has declared himself a third-party candidate, and I don’t want him to take votes away from Biden’s re-election and the Democratic Party. Also like I’ve said before, I hope he comes to his senses soon and switches back to the Democratic Party.