I think ideally we'd have a non-invasive (ELF-wave) mind reader that could interfere before it got to the point where a person could inflict harm upon another person.
Sort of weird how she dismisses this viewpoint with the questions she first asks regarding invasive treatments (if we had widespread brain implants before widespread ELF technology and/or brain implants ended up being cheaper or more sustainable) and pharmacologically-induced remorse. I feel like the point should be to keep people safe, not to impose your own personal sense of justice and appropriate punishment. Remorse, natural or pharmacologically-induced, is not necessary for a society to safely function, in my opinion, and in some people, it may even be impossible for them to feel remorse in a natural, real way. I'm of the opinion that people in general have much less free will than they think they do. Our DNA, the way we were raised, the circumstances into which we were born, and the situations we find ourselves in second-to-second form a feedback loop that causes certain behavior patterns to flourish.
Link to the author's blog where she expands upon what she said in her interview with Aeon regarding future prisoners serving sentences that either last 1000 years or feel like they do (with the assistance of drugs and/or technology):
"The future of punishment: a clarification"
One of many articles written based on the author's interview with Aeon (Aeon's link no longer works):
"Could we condemn criminals to suffer for hundreds of years? Biotechnology could let us extend convicts' lives 'indefinitely'" (written in 2014)