If the government controlled your dreams and acid trips in order to keep our country safe, etc. and didn't want you to know about it, the concerned citizen would still try to find some way to hint to people that it exists, right? Without saying that it exists and without crossing the 95% barrier. Like...by being Zachary from Cardcaptors or Lonelygirl15 and just saying stuff, seeing what their reaction is, continuing to do it below the 95% line, then saying it was fake? Or something. You need to see what their reaction is in order to do it properly, though.
No, it's not real, it's an interesting idea and it's been done before, I looked it up (plus there's Inception, so I'd lol). But how is anyone ever going to get any information out (say, that they've been raped or are being threatened or something) if it's not appropriate in our hipster-like culture to pull a Zachary or Lonelygirl15 every once in a while? There are many, many reasons why you should be allowed to say something, take it back, and have everyone treat you like nothing at all happened.
Stay black, u guyz.