Sunday, December 25, 2022

Trump/Guilt/Jan. 6 Insurrection/Brainwashing/Personal Responsibility/QAnon/Classified Brain-Scanning Technology/Legal Guilt or Innocence

Reddit Post Title: HaVe A vEry MerRy cHrisTmAs fellow democrats. Thank you everyone who makes this sub great! From the mods to the commenters. Make a wish to see Trump behind bars by next Xmas!

Me: Controversial take, but we don't know if he's been brainwashed (like members of a cult) or if his or his family member's lives are in danger or what. I feel like classified brain-scanning technology is far enough along that we should be able to use it to find out what's really going on and if he's guilty in the legal sense of the word...assuming there's a way to tell if his brain has been hacked or lobotomized or whatever to alter the results.

Commenter: Manchurian Candidate style.

Me: I don't know about that. I was thinking of how the QAnon people who took part in Jan. 6 thought they were following direct orders from the President. They get in trouble, the President denies doing anything of the sort, and now we're in the middle of a big investigation to determine how much he was actually at fault given his actions but not his thoughts. I feel like his thoughts would be part of the whole story, since there are people in cults, people who are acting under the orders of their commanding officer in the military, people who have a gun to their head, etc. who do things that they wouldn't ordinarily do if they weren't being forced to do it. The US should come clean regarding how far along they are with brain-scanning technology (probably a lot further than Neuralink, etc.) and use that technology to sort out the terrorists from everyone else. It would probably fall under the Patriot Act.

Me: To clarify, if he was brainwashed, it might have been done subtly through a disinformation campaign, or outright, like in The Manchurian Candidate. There might also be other factors at play, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder with delusions of grandeur.