Thursday, October 7, 2021

I like my haircut, I like my room, I like my NSA profile...

No, I don’t want to change places with anyone. I like my NSA profile. I’ve set lofty goals that might involve running for President. Wouldn’t trade with anyone because I don’t agree with anyone.

Did you hear that Yang switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Independent? Wonder if that was a good or bad decision. He’ll be the most popular 3rd party candidate by far, but he might take votes away from the Democrats. I hope someone else runs as a Democrat who believes in a UBI. I was really hoping that we’ll come far enough as a society by 2028.

Chris Rock on HBO Max/YouTube: Who wants to change places? (5 minutes 15 seconds)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Death by Synesthesia?

I can sing in different colors (I have synesthesia, like Billie Eilish and a lot of famous people), but I don’t think you’re supposed to. You might catch your death. #taylorswift #evermore

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Saving as many lives as possible as President over wanting to get re-elected

I would’ve mandated vaccines a long time ago. Saved as many lives as possible, then take the L when people get angry and say you’re not allowed to do it. They did it with smallpox, so there’s a legal precedent (even if it’s historical/a long time ago, you can’t say that it’s unconstitutional and that the founding fathers wouldn’t have believed in it).

CNN: Why Joe Biden should go all-in on vaccine mandates

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Is It a Dystopia? A Flowchart

We can all agree when we see a dystopia...we recognize it...what about The Patriot Act? I’d like to be on that jury.

No matter our political leanings, most dystopias are universally agreed to be’s like we all have a common ethical sense of what The Patriot Act should and should not be able to do...

Warning against brainwashing: the article’s author does not believe we are living in a dystopia.

April 2020

Saturday, September 4, 2021
finding and scientifically defining beauty

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Does Anyone Think Aliens Might Upload Our Souls/Consciousnesses When We Die?

Some of us? Do you think some of us go to “heaven?” Some to “hell?” How should we behave to maximize our chances of a heaven or rebirth?

For discussion:

Reddit Forum

#artificialneurons #biology #extraterrestrials #seti #nasa #science #technology #innovation #opinion #advice #elonmusk #simulationtheory

Friday, August 27, 2021

Focus Groups Think We Should Wait for a “Climate Emergency” Before Geoengineering/Terraforming.

I think it’s time to act, not wait for a “climate emergency.” An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Wikipedia: Climate engineering/Geoengineering: Public perception 

A large 2018 study investigated public perceptions of six climate engineering methods, with an online survey in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.[51] The findings were also compared against similar 2012 survey in Australia and New Zealand.[52] Public awareness of climate engineering was low with less than a fifth of respondents reporting prior knowledge. Perceptions of the six climate engineering methods were largely negative and frequently associated with attributes like 'risky', 'artificial' and 'unknown effects'. Carbon dioxide removal methods were preferred over solar geoengineering. Public perceptions were remarkably stable with only minor differences between the different countries in the 2018 and 2012 surveys.[51][52]

In a 2017 focus group study conducted by the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) in the United States, Japan, New Zealand, and Sweden, participants were asked about carbon sequestration options, reflection proposals such as with space mirrors, or brightening of clouds, and their majority responses could be summed up as follows:

What happens if the technologies backfire with unintended consequences?

Are these solutions treating the symptoms of climate change rather than the cause?

Shouldn't we just change our lifestyle and consumption patterns to fight climate change, making climate engineering a last resort?

Isn't there a greater need to address political solutions to reduce our emissions?

Moderators floated then the idea of a future "climate emergency" such as rapid environmental change. The participants felt that mitigation and adaptation to climate change were strongly preferred options in such a situation, and climate engineering was seen as a last resort.

Protecting Afghanistan

They should have the Space Force protect everyone. Call it a training exercise if it’s too classified/illegal. How else are you supposed to protect yourself against someone who doesn’t play by the rules? Not sure what I would do if I were President. Isn’t it a Good Samaritan act if you protect the Afghan people who are evacuating, down to the last person to leave by the withdrawal date? You can even make airports demilitarized zones with drones so that UN ambassadors, etc. can move freely to perform their duties. This would also make humanitarian relief efforts more safe and secure.

Excerpt: Space Flag represents a fundamental pivot from viewing space as a benign environment to viewing space as a contested domain of warfare. This critical exercise provides an educational environment where our space warfighters are challenged to defend, fight, and win in space against a thinking adversary in potential future conflicts.

Monday, August 2, 2021

A Funny Comic about Running the World

 Click to enlarge.

Socioeconomic Status as a Protected Class

The federal poverty line is currently set at $26,500 for a household of four. ... So why aren't there more legal protections for poor Americans? As it stands, socioeconomic status is not a protected class under anti-discrimination laws.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

What to do about Q, part 2

If I were a Congressperson, I would take a P300 lie detector test just to get the conservative Q-believers off my back and save some lives by changing some minds regarding Q and his views.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

90s Trends to Bring Back Just to Spite Taylor Swift (aka Miss “I Come Back Stronger Than a 90s Trend”)

Things about the 90s I would like to see become/stay popular just to spite Taylor Swift, aka Miss “I come back stronger than a 90s trend” and “most of [the rumors] are true”): The attitude (inspired by models on heroin? As opposed to now, where everyone and Taylor’s mom’s a crackhead?), anything California and 90s like the bright colors and use of white/black backgrounds, anything that glows (like 90s ravers stuff and star stickers on your ceiling), slap bracelet pink, the Mattel hoverboard seen in Back to the Future, the shoes he wore by Nike, skateboarding/surfing, baggy pants, grunge, etc.

Are They Terrorists? (Jan. 6 Insurrection)

I’m still in the mentality that no one is 100% responsible...50% of it was Trump, 50% of it was the mob mentality. A culture of fake news made them lose their grip on true, legal reality. Not sure anyone’s a full-blown terrorist here. The GOP’s calling them “prisoners” while the committee’s now calling them “terrorists.” The truth is probably somewhere in-between.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Declassify Adrenochrome Doping Instances

I like what Rick and Morty said about how it’s your patriotic duty to not trust the President. We’re supposed to elect people we trust to go through all the classified information and do the right thing. Again, I think Biden’s still feeling the Hillary/Benghazi scandal, and he should change what he declassifies instead of just denying that people who dope from adrenochromes exist.

Why No One Trusts Liberals, Unvaccinated People Walking Around Like Germ Bricks

I have to say I think Biden is mishandling QAnon...eventually we’re going to find evidence of someone high-up being, at the very least, an energy vampire...not that hard to find evidence of that...and all it takes is meeting one vampire to believe in Q and not get your vaccine...

Of course most of them already distrust the government, and I don’t think they’re doing enough to be honest about people whose trust we’ve misplaced, like Hillary Clinton...they need to tackle each issue separately and be more open-minded about the origin of the virus, especially now that China’s giving funny remarks when asked about investigating the issue...if anything, that weakens the United States...also, they were just accused of hacking Microsoft...seeing the alliances of the conservative elite, it’s not very hard to imagine the liberals are up to something since they also cover up anything that makes their party look bad...

All it probably took was the Benghazi scandal to make people think liberals can’t be trusted...if the United States ever splits up, they’ll declassify information differently, and we’ll have a more balanced picture of what’s going on, what’s truly “fake news,” etc. I wish they wouldn’t split up, but at this point, it seems like an inevitability as the country is so divided right now and the pandemic only made the statistics more apparent. 

I hate that about half of people don’t have their vaccine, but everyone walks around without a mask. I have a cough, so I’m wearing mine, but I think it’s smart to wear one since you don’t know who’s vaccinated and who’s a germ brick.

Infrastructure and Trump’s, Biden’s Legacies

Not passing legislation because your constituents believe in Q is one thing, but we need of the only good things Trump did (ok, the only good thing he did) was set something up for American businesses to thrive. If this passes, it might be the only thing Biden, as a moderate, becomes known for doing correctly, as history will view it...

Blackfishing/Cancel Culture

I know that Kim Kardashian is part Black because I saw the episode where they share their DNA results and the differences between the sisters. Not sure if we should cancel everyone who appropriates Black culture, though. If anything, it makes it more acceptable to be Black because you’re showcasing Black beauty and style. Until my DNA test comes back, I’m not sure I’m allowed to have an opinion on this. I’m mixed but I look Spanish/French/tan. Possibly Russian since I look part Asian in the eyes and stuff. If it comes back part Black, I’ll embrace my heritage even if it makes me look like I’m blackfishing. I wear my hair in a wrap and wear baggy clothes, but since I’m Mexican/Asian/possibly Native-American/White, I just do what I want. My hair’s damaged and usually dirty, so I cover it up or wear a headband. If I had the money, I’d get a full weave like Iggy Azalea, which would probably make me look like I’m blackfishing...but it would be to protect my natural hair from heat styling.

The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, 2021

Bella Hadid...not Gigi Hadid...won....

...due to an extreme eye-lift. This supposedly makes her the most beautiful.

Sorry, but Gigi’s more beautiful, naturally.

And I could fill this list with 100 Instagram models, but they’re probably blackballed from the list.

Are Celebrities Blackballing Instagram Stars?

Are celebrities blackballing Instagram stars? Can’t wait for the “most beautiful woman in the world” who supposedly doesn’t have ANY plastic surgery to be replaced by someone who freely admits they got everything done and it came out nice and symmetrical.

On Voter ID

Everyone over 18 who isn’t a felon should have the right to vote...and be provided water and restrooms, etc. I learned in high school that some people don’t have an ID because they cost money, so I don’t believe in restrictions like that. They just make it more likely that one party will win. Let everyone vote.

Filibuster/Supreme Court/Voting Access

Eliminate the filibuster. It’s ridiculous and basically cheating. Sorry, but I don’t support expanding the Supreme Court when it pleases one party, either, even though it’s already been changed historically. It’s like Republicans taking back their support of Rock the Vote when they realized the people who weren’t voting were Democrats.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Ancient Astronaut Theory

I think if ancient astronauts exist, they’re here to effect the smallest amount of change that keeps us from killing we have freedom and aren’t their slaves,’s either that or the Fermi Paradox...and if they helped Jesus perform miracles, the Book of Revelation was written to say that in case an evil dictator takes over the world, they’ll step in and help us again. Thoughts?

Q is Probably a Russian Op

My official guess is that Q is a Russian op meant to re-elect Trump in order to weaken the United States; all of their writings, like anti-vax writings and co-opting other movements where the people don’t trust the government...are just to kill as many people as possible and hopefully split the United States up into a North and South so that Russia can become the world superpower. That’s the overarching objective, and they recruit as many people as possible by feeding them fake classified information and co-opting the anti-Satanism movement so all the good Christians will, at the very least, be sympathetic.

Friday, July 23, 2021

QAnon Sentencing/What Trump Should Have Done

These people probably have about as much a grip on true, legal reality as some schizophrenics. Starting to see the “Trump made me do it” as a viable argument. Even if he didn’t directly incite the riots, he gave enough support behind it and didn’t call in the National Guard when everyone wanted him to. If you believe the leadership needs help, you help. That’s just what some people do/believe in. But in order to take back the government, you have to do it legally. Not sure if they were even in the right state of mind to think that way. They were thinking there was a deep-state government and that Trump wanted everyone to stand up for him as much as possible. Pretty ridiculous set of circumstances. Probably a “mob mentality” crime brought on by Trump fever. I hope they all get help.

Trump should’ve denied the deep-state government and told everyone to go home lest he be accused of inciting a riot. No one was that careful, though...instead the mob sort of took what Trump said and believed and went all-out in terms of protesting and allowing themselves to be arrested for what they believe in. Similar to what some liberals do when they protest. Luckily, they’re getting short sentences...and probably mental help...I think they should be held accountable but a military trial should take place so all classified evidence can be reviewed and “Q” can be discredited for good—even if the human trafficking clues are real, people should be getting vaccinated...they’re not implanting anything or anything like that. 

“The participant in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riots nicknamed the "QAnon Shaman" is negotiating a possible plea deal with prosecutors, after prison psychologists found he has a variety of mental illnesses, his attorney said.”

Sunday, July 18, 2021

On Falling Through the Cracks

I think there should be a government program where you apply to get a grant if you need it. For any reason, as long as it would majorly affect or save your someone who freezes at night might apply for a $200 grant to buy a down comforter...that would greatly impact her quality of life and possibly save it. But she probably wouldn’t qualify for any other programs. I once asked the food stamp people for money for something similar...I think it was winter clothes...and got denied. I think the only people who have access to cash aid are people with basically no source of income, disaster relief, and people who become mothers, which causes people to abuse the system...but that’s a different argument, and I don’t even blame them because that’s the way the system works...hopefully someone in power reads this and either turns into a Universal Basic Income (UBI)-believer or comes to believe we should offer grants in times of need.

Signs You’ve Been Hacked (I Have). Includes Link

I knew because I got weird results when I searched for people I knew on Google. Also, when I went to take a photo, the photo would look fine, then they’d flash a photo of an ugly person in the same pose (I know who it’s supposed to look you?) and delete the picture I just saw the camera tell me it took. Also, when I adjusted the reshaping filters, some of them were already preset to a funhouse effect instead of preset to zero.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Republicans, Conservatives, Trump-Supporters, and Q-Supporters

San Diego’s so Republican it’s not even funny.

Separating my usage of Republican and Conservative. Conservative to me means someone who is so religious that they’re not thinking clearly and believe that we should have a national religion...

Republican means Trump-supporter or Q-supporter. I then separate the Q-supporters into the people who think we should be vaccinated and those who don’t...and those who genuinely are trying to do the right thing in terms of finding Satanic pedophiles and those who are just going after the “liberal elite” so they can win the Presidency.

California Governor Recall


They’re trying to petition to make outdoor dining permanent. They were against building code and now it’s a Governor recall issue.

They’re probably protecting everyone, especially children, during the Delta variant. Sucks, because of course Newsom’s just following medical advice where other states aren’t (how many people were anti-vax before Q and now many are anti-vax now? Even if it’s an engineered bioweapon it can still kill you. Bad call by Q) a hundred years, they’ll probably make him a Saint, but for now, he’s getting recalled...

Link: Everywhere Universal Basic Income Has Been Tried


“The idea of a basic income was, for decades, something of a policy fantasy. But the last few years have seen it become less outlandish, to the point where we now have many limited basic income programs up and running around the world — perhaps a dry run for a broader embrace of the policy in the coming years.

“The general idea — that the government should give every citizen a regular infusion of free money with no strings attached — has been around since the 16th century. But it’s recently experienced a remarkable resurgence: Advocates ranging from tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to libertarian economist Milton Friedman to former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang have endorsed it.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has given the idea fresh momentum. With the crisis generating so much financial loss and uncertainty, and with federal stimulus packages failing to meet the needs of millions, advocates are arguing that citizens desperately need some sort of guaranteed income.

“And around the world, countries are running pilot programs to test it.”

Andrew Yang 2028

Hopefully he runs in 2028! And keeps running if the country’s still too aged/conservative/religious/etc. The younger generation’s views are more liberal and here to stay. We’re evolving as a society and we’ll keep evolving. It’s just a matter of where we are on the timeline and how much progress we’re making every 4 years...eventually they’ll vote him in. I just hope I’m not in my 70s when it happens.


Andrew Yang's views on

Drug Costs:

Government drug manufacturing

Some candidates, while also supporting a broad suite of price controls, want the government itself to make drugs. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has legislation to create a government-run pharmaceutical manufacturer that would act when a drug has shortage of competition or there’s a major price hike.

Warren also supports using the government’s existing authority to exercise “march-in rights” for high-price drugs that were patented with government-funded research. Those march-in rights would enable other companies to produce the drug.

Andrew Yang also wants to create public manufacturing facilities to produce generic drugs to keep costs down.


Elizabeth Warren 2020 election candidate

Marianne Williamson 2020 election candidate

Republicans Exhibiting Selfish Behavior

All this proves is that all that Republicans care about are themselves. Inflation is a product of people not trusting the way Democrats are handling the economy, and the rise in crime is due to the pandemic and black lives matter protests being co-opted by violent protesters, a few out of the huge movement of people who felt something when Derek Chauvin, etc. became famous for their crimes against Black people. Stupid to focus on short-term issues when we could do so much good in the long-term by focusing on infrastructure, civil rights, nuclear deals, etc. Of course, if Biden were Superman or even slightly more liberal, we’d get a lot more done, not just in moderate issues but in terms of fixing things that can only be fixed with monetary aid, like poverty in the U.S.

I think history will side with me.


“Fox News contributor Joe Concha called out the Texas Democrats’ remaining in Washington D.C. to fight GOP voting reform, telling ‘Fox & Friends’ on Thursday that the decision will ‘blow up in their faces’ in the upcoming midterm elections.

“JOE CONCHA: ‘What people are seeing at home on social media and on television is horrible for Democrats because, when you see selfies, giddy selfies on a plane going into Washington. You also see it’s Miller time apparently. So you have got cases of Miller Lite. … The fact that they were all maskless on a plane, going up against CDC guidelines. Those optics, even before they got to Washington, were horrific and then when they got there, they had no plan. 

“‘This is going to blow up in Democrats’ faces in 2022, where you are looking at the retirement of Nancy Pelosi if and when they lose the House, because only a few seats have to flip. And then a 50/50 Senate flips back to Republicans as well.  If this is what Democrats are running on instead of tackling inflation or skyrocketing crime in this country or perhaps education, that’s going sideways and Critical Race Theory. They are going to have some real problems here because they don’t seem to have anything positive to run on.’”

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to get QAnon/everyone off your back and save the world

We could have everyone at the UN swear to tell the truth and use a lie detector/mind reader? Not sure where the technology is on this, but if you ask the right questions, a la 40-Year Old Virgin, even without full answers, you can learn a lot.

It could also be a job requirement for us regular folk. Especially certain jobs.

We could basically have a utopia right now if we made everyone use a P300 lie detector. 

As long as we all agreed to forgive each other and let the person explain, and get rid of certain laws or gave people amnesty for things like marijuana prohibition and basically all non-violent crime...I think the United States could stay the world superpower forever. Which means we’d have enough money to defend ourselves forever, which should really one of the main goals of the country, like providing for its citizens...

Of course, I still believe in a universal basic income (UBI), which is when the government gives you free money. I’m shocked and saddened that Yang didn’t win (even though there was a mistake and the votes haven’t been formally counted yet...I’m not sure if he can go from 4th place to 1st...fingers crossed) the NYC mayoral race. 

I hope that by 2028, people/culture will have evolved enough that we all see free money as a viable solution. Yang was one of the less well-known candidates—the idea was so revolutionary, people tore it down almost immediately or didn’t even give it a chance. Of course, I’m kicking myself in the butt now. Whatever good Biden has done during the pandemic would have been easily beaten by the good a universal basic income would have done. Can still do, if you’re reading this, President Biden.

The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act should only be used to justify violating the rights of a terrorist, not preventing future terrorist attacks. We shouldn’t be allowed to torture or kill them. Just read their mind. Neuralink’s almost here. We have a perfect lie detector at this point (the P300–see “brain fingerprinting”) and it’s a shame we can’t use it or don’t use it on terrorists instead of torturing them. We should probably also be able to use it in court, since you’re swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Should see a huge drop in crime, at least reported crime. To fix the unreported, maybe parents will implant their kids as babies and use them as young sleeper agents? We don’t have any kids’ rights right now. Weird time in history.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Looking Russian


Do my hackers hate it when people look Russian, or beautiful in general? New evidence awaits my thought stream. Can’t wait to get a DNA test and compare it to my sister’s if she ever gets one. We’re obviously different races and they try to make me look like her in my old photos. Hope they weren’t planning on stealing my identity any more than they already have (they pretended to be the Social Security Administration. I believed them for a bit too long because they had my social security number and credit card numbers and they know where I live. Pay attention to the news—they warn you when scams like that are rampant).

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Future Civil War


I think if the North and South split up, the South would form their own CIA and run black ops on vampires/pedophiles. That's the only positive I see from a split or civil war. If they found enough evidence they might invade. I guess it wouldn't take much evidence for them to say it's vital to the national security of their country. Maybe if the Democrats caught the Republicans and vice-versa we'd finally catch some of them.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Electromagnetic Attacks

Tried to look up the long-term effects of living in a Faraday cage and this was all I got. Seems like a good solution to electromagnetic attacks, though, until we can get someone to stand as bait with a signal-tracker.

Autonomous Drones

I’m all for drones. We just need to figure out how to not get hacked...but anything can be hacked. They can deepfake orders if they have the technology to hack a military drone. I think people are just worried that they’ll get caught. I doubt they’d start shooting people who are just taking drugs, for example, but that’s everyone’s greatest (irrational/unfounded) fear.

“How else are drones changing warfare?

“Experts worry that the proliferation of UAVs could make bloody conflicts more common, because countries that are reluctant to start a war and risk their soldiers' lives won't hesitate to send in drones. ‘For states that seek to break long-standing geopolitical deadlocks, the rise of relatively cheap, disposable, armed drones offers a tempting opportunity,’ says Jason Lyall, an expert in military technology at Dartmouth College. Others fear a rise in autonomous drones that don't need a human controller. The United Nations recently reported that a 15-pound Turkish-built quadcopter independently targeted and launched a suicide attack on retreating rebel forces in Libya. If anyone died in that March 2020 strike, said security consultant Zachary Kallenborn, it would be the ‘first known case of artificial intelligence–based autonomous weapons being used to kill.’”

Saturday, May 8, 2021

television programming

if i were to run for president, i’d change all the tv programming to be exciting and unpredictable. i’m sick of seeing the same old things on tv. i think we’d all like a little more variety.

i’d do a lot of other things too, like introduce or strengthen an already-existing universal basic income (ubi).

Sunday, May 2, 2021


i often ask myself, am i living in a utopia or dystopia? would changing something small make it more like a utopia or more like a dystopia? we know what we want from our government and how we want our country to be, even if they’re unattainable goals (like a libertarian society when so many people need help right now). (photo is from The Matrix)

Before entering the fear landscape, participants are injected with a serum that will bring their fears to the surface of their brains. During Dauntless initiation, the Dauntless leaders and usually the initiates trainer are watching the initiate's fears and taking count of how many they have. For each fear, their heartbeat is measured and the landscape will not change until your heartbeat and breathing slow to a normal pace. Or the initiate can choose to face their fear. This is what Tris chooses to do instead of killing her family in her final simulation.

In the final testing stage everyone, not just Divergents, knows that it is not real. However, Divergents can manipulate the simulations in their minds to make their results quicker and their fears easier to deal with.

Most people have about 10-15 fears. However, the record for the least number of fears ”in recent years” is 4, which is the result Tobias Eaton got on his fear landscape. This is how Tobias got the nickname "Four"...

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Evolution of Makeup Notes

tallyteeee of tiktok.

Try to use liquids instead of powders (talcum powder lawsuit)

Add pink where people naturally have pink, purple where people naturally have purple, blue, etc.

Let the skin absorb the color

Do each pore

Remember that makeup fades and may need to be re-applied (but don’t over-apply unless it fades before you’re done with your makeup)

Know your anatomy

Know your ethnicities’ anatomies

Always go for the facelift look

Plucking can remove knots and readjust your pores

Always adjust your eyelashes so they are turned outwards instead of a straight curl perpendicular to your eyelid

Layer different “black”s avoiding powders

Always use the darkest mascara possible

Too much powder can be helped by putting lotion in your hands then touching your hands to your face with warmth

Liquid highlighter that can be layered pore-by-pore to make bone structure pop out more

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Thursday, March 4, 2021

on prison

“Rather, it's that while they're in prison, they are still capable of leading their organization and moving their schemes against the good guys forward. Prison is just a change of location for them, and won't slow down their evil plot to Take Over the World for one nanosecond. Even better, the villain is now in a secure location protected by high walls and armed men, and surrounded by fellow criminals who are easily manipulated thanks to their own lack of opportunities.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

new vegas

tiger woods’ ex-mistress is representing a dating site for sugar babies...

what do we all think of this? lol.

watching Daily Blast LIVE

personally i think 

a)the world is already libertarian, separated by countries, with everyone having their own laws and no one really being punished by the world court the way they should be

b)you have to make a living somehow

c)it’s like working in a sweatshop...if they didn’t have that income (however measly or immoral), they’d starve.

in america we have vegas/nevada...for vacationing there’s bangkok and amsterdam...

i personally think we should do it city-by-city

not country-by-country

because of how difficult it is to move if you don’t agree with the laws you have to follow

i’d love to see everyone living their best life...not having to rely on pimps and not having to get involved in a certain lifestyle like gangs/gang protection...and it’s not like it is in movies where you’re 14 when you first realize that gangs exist...we all learn from a very young age that we’re one against 7 billion and we’d better follow the unspoken rules as well as the spoken ones...or face the consequences

i’d like to see them go legit. the tax revenue would be so great that cities wouldn’t want to go back once they start that source of income

social mobility is seriously impossible worldwide...i’m sure many turn to prostitution just to survive...i don’t think they should be punished/locked up for it...jail is for violent crime and people who shouldn’t have access to society for safety reasons.

pic: #walkofshame #film #movie

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

updating like a mother.

dune 1984 official trailer

“A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that it is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padisha Emperor Shaddam IV, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the Universe is the spice melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its navigators, who the spice has mutated over four-thousand years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. That is, travel to any part of the Universe without moving. Oh yes, I forget to tell you. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire Universe. A desolate, dry planet with vast deserts. Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the Fremen, who have long held a prophecy, that a man would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true freedom. The planet is Arrakis. Also known as Dune.”

cops planting evidence: the record

someone’s keeping track of some of them? they obviously don’t read the news though. why is the list so obviously curated? i see stuff on reddit all the time, and when you search google, there’s new cases all the time. don’t make me think conspiracy theory here, you guys. i support black lives matter and i’m naturally curious/suspicious.

checkmate in the endgame: chess strategy online

i wanna force an endgame! jk.

sometimes i wish taylor swift never existed.

changing my profile photo to one that doesn’t look like her album cover, lol.

google search: news: cops planting drugs

 is anyone keeping track of these statistics?

modern children’s rights

(November 20th): World Children's Day offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.

This year, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a child rights crisis. The costs of the pandemic for children are immediate and, if unaddressed, may last a lifetime.

It’s time for generations to come together to reimagine the type of world we want to create. On 20 November, kids will reimagine a better world. What will you do?

on killing dead baby jokes/putting them back in the disney vault

p.s. does a fetus have rights? maybe, but the mother not being forced to share her body with someone at the risk of her own life should be a human right that overrides that. the world/national/state/county/city government should not be allowed to make you risk your life unless there’s a draft.

p.p.s. don’t eat babies. if you eat a fetus, you ate a baby.

the magna carta, it’s underwater

 if they draft people, they should draft women too.

they might implement a ubi (universal basic income) in new york city soon. if they do, it’s only a matter of time before they elect a president that supports a ubi for all americans.

if this happens, a lot of people who normally would have signed up for the military will have the money to pick a different line of work. 

hence my advice saying we should tell potential recruits to the military that we’ll make them cyborgs (and still pay and house them). 

we shouldn’t be slaves/indentured servants, working just to survive. we should work to afford things beyond having our most basic, essential needs met. new clothes, high-quality makeup, the latest shoes, etc. etc. for guys, nice cars, nice houses, and (probably) better chances of picking up women. that’s the way the world works and that’s probably the way it will always work. but we can make life easier by creating a safety net to ensure you don’t die of hunger or hypothermia or anything as you encounter sickness, debt, the deterioration of your own body, etc.

Friday, February 19, 2021

regarding my “sheldon for president” photos.

ok, the sheldon for president thing doesn’t mean i’m going to run. it means we should all think about what a president should and shouldn’t be. we should also take into account who we think will win against the other opponent, but we’re definitely getting more liberal as a country with time...most people approve of a universal basic income (free money, yearly) already, so i hope yang wins new york and then the white house...anyways, we should choose candidates that are smart with good ideas...if sheldon were president, he’d probably come up with solutions to problems that no one else would be able to think of. he’s just that smart. a genius among geniuses. and we don’t demand that our presidents be geniuses to begin with. i honestly think that the ability to listen is more important, as trump didn’t listen to anyone who wasn’t a republican when it came to corona and look what have to also be a little bit flexible and intelligent enough to listen to warming was basically a conspiracy theory when i was growing up, and now it’s a huge problem that’s only that much bigger because we ignored it. 

i disagree with the way the military uses fear tactics on its trainees and breaks them down until they’re shells of themselves. i say this because there’s a handbook for the illuminati conspiracy theory that i was planning on referencing—only because it’s such a horrible example of what not to do—in my movie script (i’m an aspiring writer). you wouldn’t train a person to be president that way, and the president commands the u.s. army. why train soldiers that way? also, why put intelligence test limits on people who want to be cops? you guys are weird. i’m gonna write about a fictional situation in which all these counterintuitive tactics were created by the cia in order to throw off the soviets from developing technology to take over the world. that’s literally the most logical explanation to me right now, lol.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


Photo by MoveOn on January 24, 2021. Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS AND THE FULL FORCE OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. WE SHOULD ACT BIG TO RIGHT so MUCH THAT IS WRONG. NINA TURNER @n naturner'.

Petition: Ensure Every Student Has a device and Internet

As schools reopen, millions of students need help when it comes to distance learning. Many lack high-speed internet, or don't have a laptop or tablet. We urge you to make a district-wide priority to ensure that every student has access to a tablet or laptop and internet access.

Why is this important?

It’s back to school time, and most students are returning to remote learning. But for millions of kids who don’t have a device or internet access, remote learning is virtually impossible–especially for children who are already struggling because of low family income, language access, or racial barriers. *Every* kid deserves to have a chance at remote learning, and all school districts doing remote learning must make sure each student has a tablet or laptop with internet access.

Saturday, January 23, 2021 Timeline of National Guard Deployment to Capitol

“I don’t like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background.”
Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army staff

The Day of the Rally

12:40 p.m.: The first protesters arrive at the Capitol, where Congress is meeting in joint session to certify Joe Biden’s election.

1.p.m.: Trump begins to wrap up his speech at the “Save America” rally at the Ellipse, a park near the White House. He tells rallygoers the presidential election was “stolen” by Democrats and the “fake news media,” and says that he’s going to walk with the crowd to the Capitol “to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones … the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” But Trump does not accompany the rally attendees to the Capitol.

Sund says he already realizes “things aren’t going well,” that the protesters came with riot helmets, gas masks, pepper spray, fireworks, metal pipes and baseball bats. Sund callsMetropolitan Police Chief Contee, who sends 100 officers to the Capitol, with the first ones arriving within 10 minutes, according to Sund’s interview with the Washington Post.

1:09 p.m.: Sund tells Irving and Stenger by phone that the National Guard is needed. Sund says both men told him they would “run it up the chain.”

1:26 p.m.: Capitol Police order the evacuation of the Capitol complex.

1:34 p.m.: In a phone call with Secretary of the Army McCarthy, Bowser requests an “unspecified number of additional forces,” according to the Pentagon timeline.

1:49 p.m.: Sund, in a phone call with the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, Maj. Gen. William Walker, requests immediate assistance, and tells him to prepare to bring in the guard.

About 2 p.m.: Rioters breach the Capitol. In an interview with the Washington Post published on Jan. 10, Sund says, “If we would have had the National Guard we could have held them at bay longer, until more officers from our partner agencies could arrive.”

2:10 p.m.: Sund says Irving calls him back with formal approval to send in the guard. But as the Washington Post noted, “Sund finally had approval to call the National Guard. But that would prove to be just the beginning of a bureaucratic nightmare to get soldiers on the scene.”

2:22 p.m.: The secretary of the Army, Bowser, D.C. police leadership and others “discuss the current situation and to request additional DCNG support,” according to the Pentagon timeline.

2:24 p.m.: Trump tweets, “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

2:26 p.m.: Sund says he joins the conference call to plead for additional backup. “I am making urgent, urgent immediate request for National Guard assistance,” Sund recalls saying. According to Sund and others on the call, the Washington Post reports, Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army staff, says he could not recommend that to his boss, McCarthy, because, “I don’t like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background.”

However, Piatt disputed that, saying in a statement: “I did not make the statement or any comments similar to what was attributed to me by Chief Sund in the Washington Post article — but would note that even in his telling he makes it clear that neither I, nor anyone else from [the Department of Defense], denied the deployment of requested personnel.” 

2:30 p.m.: Miller, Milley and McCarthy meet to discuss the requests from Capitol Police and Bowser. 

3 p.m.: Miller “determines all available forces of the DCNG are required to reinforce MPD [Metropolitan Police Department] and USCP positions to support efforts to reestablish security of the Capitol complex,” according to the Pentagon timeline. Simultaneously, the D.C. National Guard prepares to move 150 personnel to support Capitol Police, pending Miller’s approval.

3:04 p.m.: Miller “provides verbal approval of the full activation of DCNG (1100 total) in support of the MPD,” according to the Pentagon. In response, McCarthy immediately directs the D.C. National Guard “to initiate movement and full mobilization.” That means the D.C. guard members helping with traffic and crowd control are redeployed to support the Metropolitan Police Department at the Capitol, and the entire D.C. guard begins full mobilization.

I’m starting to think of Universal Basic Income as a turning point in history, like the singularity will be...who knows what lies beyond it but peace and hopefully prosperity


“A setting with No Poverty has no poor. Take a moment to parse that sentence. Something which has eluded human civilization has been achieved: this is a world where no one is homeless, everyone eats three full meals a day, and society casts no one out. The elderly, physically and mentally ill are cared for, and just about everyone willing has ways to contribute to the society despite not being forced to. Either the social structure is no longer a pyramid at all, or it's a hierarchy with an exceptionally wide and inclusive base which is not a bad place to be...Considering inequality is as old as human society itself, the authors are unlikely to take lightly such a change to the human condition; it's usually treated as a pretty big deal. The weight and appeal of this idea is such that...”