Change schools. Learn to wear clothes and carry yourself in a way that doesn’t make you a target. Don’t break any laws or ethical rules in terms of protecting yourself, but you are allowed to defend yourself if something happens. There’s always a chance he’ll have a weapon or he’ll just get revenge on you later, so it’s best to just let him bully you. Carry extra money (no coins, just bills, they make your shoe bulky and heavy and it’s obvious you’re hiding something) and learn to eat a heavy breakfast and something as soon as you come home from school. But seriously, ask your parents if you can change schools. You don’t want the bully and/or his friends getting revenge on whatever martial art you’re thinking of doing on him. Plus, that sh*t only works in movies. Those people practice getting hit over and over and over again and they come out perfectly fine. Know why? Because getting hit doesn’t always knock someone out. Even then, unless you kill them (and you probably shouldn’t. A self-defense plea only gets you so far. Study the law), they can always come back and get you physically or mentally and emotionally (a lot of people end up killing themselves because of the emotional torment of having to deal with it everyday). Just avoid them as much as possible (change the way you get to class and, again, try transferring schools) and try not to get yourself in any extra trouble. If you think changing routes will just make him mad if he finds out, don’t do it. Just deal with it until you grow up and go to college. Go somewhere far away. You’ll get to start over and no one will know you were bullied unless you write about it in your admissions essay or something. Look forward to the rest of your life and realize that everyone splits their time up into working, resting, and playing, and we can’t always spend our time the way we want. You’re just dividing your life up in a different way, the way a pre-med student does when they realize they need to go to medical school and do a residency internship before becoming a regular doctor with a regular doctor’s salary and hours. Don’t go crazy in college. Use your free time now to study and make yourself look attractive in your college application. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. Think breadth and depth in your extracurriculars. Show that you are becoming a more perfect person, evolving, figuring out what you want to do in life. Maybe spend a summer volunteering abroad for those less fortunate. It’ll put your worries in perspective. A lot of successful people were nerds growing up. Make your own luck and envision your own success story. Don’t write anything down in case your bully reads it and makes fun of you. But keep it in mind. Work hard now so you can rest and relax with a cushy job later.