Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Relations with China and the US: Republicans/Trump vs Democrats

1. ⁠Poverty is a huge concern in America—Republicans and Trump policies push people into poverty, they don’t create a safety net or help lift people out of poverty. So that more than outweighs the points they get for allowing Chinese manufacturing to take over America—the result of which is cheap products for everyone, even if it meant not buying the insurance policy in case of wartime or pandemics or anything by investing in sustainable American factories—Republicans hate funding anything, because it means tax dollars, and they’ll stoop to basically any low to hold onto more of their money—even if it’s obviously horribly unethical.

2. ⁠COVID killed a lot of people, and a HUGE percentage of that HUGE number is due to Trump and Republican misinformation. So, again, there’s something huge that outweighs whatever good Trump has done regarding relations with China—a lot of deaths.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

A continuation of my last post

I feel like after Memento, the bar was now make a movie as good as Memento or better, otherwise it won’t be able to compete with everyone else’s movies. If you’re the slavemaster, that means contributing in some amount to where the AI says you can actually take credit for some of the work. Maybe after Memento, they didn’t know where to go, so basically they pretended movies like that never came out and continued on as usual.

I’m so surprised at the amount of garbage that gets approved to produce. Sure, there are good music, movies, and TV shows now, and your favorites are more likely from now or more recently than the 80s or 90s. But at the same time, we can all agree that 99% of what comes out now is not gonna end up being one of your favorites of all time. You’re probably not even interested in most things because of some disqualifying factor—it’s not the type of show or music you like anyway, it’s annoying, etc. And yet the networks complain that no one watches anything anymore and that’s why everything keeps getting canceled. In the 80s and 90s, new stuff seemed to at least build on each other—the stuff that was seen as good at that time followed a certain formula or had a certain amount of whatever in it, so if you tweak the formula a bit, it should be better than before. We know now with AI training and social media that everything basically comes down to an algorithm anyway, and if you were being really scientific about it and not judgmental, you could break down and analyze every little thing and find out why some things work and some things don’t.

I feel like the best of the best were doing that…in the 80s and 90s. And now, nothing evolves. A new genre is just picked or a new fad or actor or whatever. Nothing builds on the old algorithms or invents anything new.

And I think people are starting to notice.

The evolution of music. And TV and movies. And clothes and color choices and % of media with good role models and…

It’s 2024. Everything should be a masterpiece by now. Instead we have… *gestures broadly* This.

Maybe The Matrix was right, and 1999 was peak culture. Isn’t that when Memento came out? If I’m in a simulation, I feel like the slavemaster just got bored or decided it was getting too hard so they decided to make the level easier and go backwards to when Full House was peak writing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I should probably make a list of things I’d like to see more of

Can this actually make a difference? Like if I want more warm pink clothing options and more good-looking people to be cast in movies?

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How I saved this in my Notes folder:

How to get more things/people I’d actually buy/watch in stores and in tv/movies

Trump wants to ban porn and premarital sex.


Trump wants to ban porn and premarital sex. And the odds of every election are always about 50/50. So everyone right now has about 50% odds of never getting laid again until you’re married and never having access to porn again either.
