Sunday, July 17, 2022

Yes on CA Prop 26 and 27; on the difference between supporting legal drugs, alcohol, gambling vs. legal prostitution

Personally, I’m voting yes on both Prop 26 and 27 (sports betting at Native American casinos and sports betting on cell phones/tablets/etc.). I understand it as a regional issue; as opposed to nationally legalizing these types of betting, it’s probably best left up to the states (or, eventually, individual cities/counties) to decide if the tax revenue is worth the change in the types of people that they get as tourists and new residents, as well as the effect it will have on the lives of the people allowed to gamble away their life savings. I’d have no problem with California becoming more competitive with Las Vegas or Atlantic City, and I believe for the most part in individual decision-making in regards to drugs, alcohol, and gambling. I draw the line at prostitution, partly because of the risk of STDs and mostly because so many people get kicked out of their house as soon as they’re 18 or graduate high school and they’d have nowhere to go, regardless of whether the job market is good or not. They’re just not raised with an education-first mindset, and that’s not their fault, and they shouldn’t be forced to prostitute themselves as a result.

I especially support 27 (sports betting on cell phones/tablets/etc.) because a lot of the tax revenue goes to support the homeless, a group of people who really need the money, and it could be the difference between life and death for them. I’ve seen the way conservatives on Reddit and NextDoor talk about unhoused populations, and it makes me sick. I feel like if 27 isn’t passed, a lot of good will be left undone, and we may not get the chance to significantly increase funding for the unhoused for a while. Meanwhile, global warming continues, making the summers hotter and more unbearable each year, with people more likely to die in larger and larger numbers. It’s one of the few times I feel like my vote will actually count towards something big. A lot of lives are on the line.

Link to info about the issues:

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The possibility of civil war if Electoral College electors decide that the American public’s votes don’t count, resulting in Trump becoming President despite losing according to the votes

I subscribe to a Reddit community for preppers (people who prepare for emergency/disaster/etc. situations) and someone asked what type of event would be enough to cause them to leave the country (a lot of people, like the author of the podcast “It Could Happen Here,” believe it’s possible that a civil war is in our future, and with the recent Supreme Court decisions and its seeming willingness to allow 2024 electoral college “electors” to decide to their vote goes towards instead of their vote being decided by the people the way most people think it works, it’s possible that no matter who actually wins the election, electors will decide that their vote goes to Trump and he will win the presidency…making a civil war a definite possibility). A lot of people said that they should start preparing to move out of the country (expatriate) -now.-

Link to the Reddit post in the Preppers community: